Sacrifice Logo
You will notice we have logo color variations on our products. Some are to account for product color variation but you will also see a special version with red lettering This is our Sacrifice logo
Our Sacrifice logo was designed to recognize the brutality and pain Jesus endured for our eternal salvation. God put this direction on our hearts to recognize the depth of suffering our Savior took for us. The crucifixion and resurrection are the message, but we feel conviction to focus on the suffering and pain believing that if that is understood it creates even more earnestness in us as followers, both for our own use and how we bear witness to others.
Jesus knew his sacrifice was pre-ordained and necessary. He also knew of his resurrection, yet he still asked God three times if there was another way, “Let this cup pass from me”. Jesus, fully God and fully Human was asking to be spared from what he knew he would go through while ultimately bowing to God’s will in his pleas.
He could have been martyred in a different manner, resurrected and followers would still have the promise of the sacrifice. Instead, our sin is so great that to fully be saved from it he was made to feel the weight, pain, sorrow and burden of humanities sins against God. Some believe this pain is why he could be viewed as spared, as we are, and was dead within 6 hours, so unusual that he was speared in the side to confirm, significantly faster than mortal death in this manner.
We hope that you view this logo as we do, a testimony to the full depth of what he went through and wear it bearing witness to the extraordinary sacrifice made for us. No-one ever has nor ever will endure so much, which is why pointing to and glorifying the Savior of the world is a pillar of Temporary Human Existence.